repeated for a total of 50 immersions. Immediately following the final immersion the
assembly shall be washed with warm water to remove all salt accumulations. Any evidence
of corrosion that might cause failure of this cap shall be cause for rejection. The assembly
shall be dried and the cap subjected to the following tests:
(a) Functional
(b) Fluid Leakage
(c) Air Leakage
4.6.7 Vibration. Vibration. The cap unit and test adapter shall be installed on a tank with the
test tank filled with test fluid. The test adapter shall be constructed so that the cap is
mounted in the upside down horizontal position The cap and test adapter shall be vibrated
in such a manner that the cap vibrates at a double amplitude of 1/32 inch at the frequency
of 2,000 cpm for a period of 24 hours. The hours (24) shall be divided into three equal
periods: the first period at -65 F; the second at room temperature; and the third period at
130 + 5°F. A mark shall be put on the cap opposite to a corresponding mark on the adapter.
During the test, evidence of leakage shall constitute failure. Upon completion of the
vibration test, the marks shall be in the same position that they were at the start of the test.
The cap unit shall then be subjected to the functional test (4.6.2) and the fluid leakage test
(4.6.3). Vibration Scan. The cap shall be connected to the test flange. The assembly
shall be adequately mounted on the vibration device and subjected to the four vibration-
scanning cycle tests listed in Table III. The test shall be conducted at room temperature.
There shall be no evidence of leakage during the test, damage, or loosening of parts, or
leakage as a result of the test.
4.6.8 Endurance. The cap connected in the test flange shall be subjected to 60 psi fluid
pressure for one minute. At the end of this period, the pressure shall be released and the
cap disconnected. This test shall be performed for 2500 cycles. At each 25 cycles the fluid
shall be drained from the test set up and a negative pressure of -3 psi shall be applied for
one minute. There shall be no evidence of leakage by a drop in the manometer. There
shall be no evidence of deterioration that might cause malfunctioning of the cap Prior to
start and at the conclusion the degrees of rotation required to lock and unlock the cap shall
be recorded. The cap shall meet the requirement of The cap shall then be
subjected to the following tests:
(a) Functional
(b) Fluid Leakage
(c) Air Leakage
4.6.9 Proof Pressure. With the cap connected to the test flange, test fluid at a pressure
of 120 psi shall be applied through the flange for at least 1 minute. There shall be no
evidence of leakage, distortion, or failure of any part of the cap.
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